Let's start with the anorexic.... she/he:
- Talks about food normally, almost as if she/he eats normally. Scratch that, we obsess over food!
- Wears baggy clothes to hide the extreme weight loss.
- Almost NEVER eats when alone.
- Doesn't like to talk about weight, be it their own or someone else's.
- Exercises A LOT, sometimes hours a day.
- Obsesses over being perfect. Everything must be perfect.
- Can go from super happy to sad in seconds.
- Will never be skinny enough
- Is Never hungry
The Wanorexic....
- Does not like talking about food.
- Wears tight clothes to show off body
- Likes the attention she/he gets from people talking about their weight
- Will eat very little when around people, but binge eats as soon as they get alone
- Needs a thousand reasons to go exercise.
- will try a ton of different diets but is never able to stick to any of them
- Makes excuses to talk about their weight or about trying to lose weight.
- Has no other factors or reasons other than fashion, modeling, or glamour for not eating
- Cannot comprehend that they aren't actually anorexic (in fact, they love to be called anorexic)
Everybody deals with their disorder in a different way and exhibits different behavouirs as a result of that illness. News flash:NOBODY WANTS TO BE ANOREXIC. Nobody WANTS to lose their teeth and their hair and end up in hospital. Trust me, being so familiar with the feeling, NOBODY deals with the pain of starving just for attention. You trying to define an illness that is subjective in so many ways based soley on your own experience is wrong and sickening. You invalidating people with anorexia because they dont act the way YOU think an anorexic should act. If you really have had anorexia why would you dare want to make somebody else feel inadequate or invaidated? People dont have anything to prove to be worthy of treatment and concern. Anorexia develops as a result of many different things and is defined medically as simply; the fear of gaining weight. It doesnt matter how you express or deal with that fear, hell you could still eat three meals a day but if you cry over it later, YOU HAVE AN ILLNESS. Stop spreading toxix ideas of eating disorders.