Sunday, September 30, 2012

Water Fast (40 Days)....Tips and help

This is for NOT for the weak or faint of heart. You have been warned.....

One of the best ways to get yourself together (and drop those disgusting pounds) is to water fast. I do water fasting once a year and juice fasting twice a year.  My juice fasts are generally longer than my water fasts for obvious reasons.

Water fasting Tips:

  1. Plan your water! Either pre-purchase your water or have a specific place where you will go to buy it. If you choose to go with the second option, be sure that the place you go doesn't have too many food temptations.
  2. Pure Spring Water ONLY. You Don't want to have water with chemicals or flavorings in it. This completely defeats the purpose of the water fast.
  3. Limit outings with your friends. I'm not saying don't go out, but you don't want to be going places where food is everywhere and your friends and family are pestering you to eat. It'll make things a little easier.
  4. Be very careful what you put on your body. During this time, your body will be in SERIOUS detox mode. Your pores will be open. Whatever you put on your body will be in your body. During these times I wear long sleeves and pants or long skirts....and socks! You can purchase natural lotions or just go without. Same applies for shampoos and soaps. NATURAL or NONE.
  5. Know how many days you're going to do it BEFORE you start.
  6. If you're like me (a serious athlete), do not stop working out. It may be slightly more difficult but it is imperative that you continue your regular work out routine. If one day you literally just feel like you're going to pass out, spend that day doing yoga, stretching, and meditating.
  7. Most importantly, stay strong!

Juice fasts are pretty much the same as the water fasts. No more than 3 glasses of juice. The juice should be all natural and fresh. The rest of the time you should be drinking water.


  • Yes, your body will go into survival mode. No, this is NOT a bad thing. When your body goes into survival mode, it uses your fat stores for energy. Your body will NOT use your muscles or other organs until ALL your fat has been used. Usually, it's about 40 days before this will happen. This is the reason most water fasts are 40 days.
  • You will put SOME of the weight back on. However, if you ease back into food and eat healthy you will not return to your original weight. You shouldn't gain more than 10-15 pounds back, if even that.
So, are you ready for it? GO!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. cant i just boil tap water ad drink that?

    1. I would say sure. Just keep in mind that boiling water will not remove the flouride found in tap water.

  3. I really want to lose 50lbs before my knee Surgury In march so i started my 40 day fast but do you think i can lose that weight during the fast
