Before you attack, please continue to read. Pro Ana sites have helped me so much in terms of eating plans. As crazy as that sounds, you should consider this: Someone who is anorexic almost never eats anywhere near 300 let alone 500 calories, even when we try. A lot of these Pro Ana sites offer 'skinny girl' diets that are geared toward eating 300-500 calories. So if someone who truly suffers from anorexia can follow one of these diets for even a short while, it helps to increase our calorie intake gradually.
Pro Ana is a dangerous thing for wanorexics. These girls are the ones who want to be super thin but they really have no other physiological reasons for not eating. It is strictly beauty for them. These girls are more likely to binge eat like the model anorexics I described in an earlier post. You will often times find them on Pro Ana sites asking for help in starving themselves because they just can't seem to do it on their own. (Gee, I wonder why...) Look, if I said it once, I'll say it a thousand times, you don't just become anorexic. It's not a lifestyle that you choose. It chooses you, and often times you don't realize that it's happening until it's far too late.
If you haven't noticed, I have a strong dislike for wanorexics. I feel like they mock people who really do suffer from this illness. They can stop and eat as much as they want at any time...we can't. We struggle to find reasons to eat but we just can't. Our fears, our troubled lives, our triggers just get in the way.
I say, keep the Pro Ana away from the phonies. That's what turns it into a bad thing.
And one last thing......THE ANA BRACELET
Again, it's the wanorexics that are doing this mostly....but please stop using the Ana bracelet as a symbol of not eating and as a symbol that you shouldn't eat. This bracelet is supposed to be a symbol of hope. A symbol of an anorexic crying out for help, not crying out with pride. SO PLEASE STOP!!!
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