Few people realize that you don't just go from not eating anything to eating full meals in just a single day. An even darker realization is that for some anorexics, full recovery almost never happens (as is my case). But a better diet is ALWAYS possible through a lot of discipline. So, you may use this as a skinny girl diet if you wish but this is mostly for getting your energy back up.
Breakfast- Whey Protein w/almond milk (8 oz)
1/2 Banana
Lunch- Apple Slices (4-6)
Acai berry green Tea (4oz)
Dinner- Yogurt (4oz)
1/2 Banana
Acai berry green Tea (4oz)
This is just a sample. Of course, if you want something else you can always substitute. Eat different things. Variety is good. If you want another example just drop me a message and I'll give you another sample diet.
Note: I follow a Gluten free diet to treat Celiacs. However, even if you do not suffer from this illness, a gluten free diet will prove to be beneficial as long as you stick to simple and mostly organic foods. It will help keep your body from becoming too overwhelmed with the food now going through your system. And it's generally just better for you :)
Happy Eating!
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